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Programa de XVI International Information Security Conference of ISMS Forum
08.30hs |
Registro |
Bienvenida/ Welcome![]() |
Palabras de bienvenida/ Welcoming remarks.
GIANLUCA D´ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), FCC Group; Security Member (PSG), European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). |
Ponencia inaugural/ Inaugural keynote ![]() |
Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA).
BENOIT GODART, Head of Ec3 Outreach, Europol. |
Mesa redonda/ Round table![]() |
Building a resilient defence against cyber attacks.
MICHAEL KAISER, Executive Director, US National Cyber Security Alliance. DAVID VAN DUREN, Coordinating policy advisor Cyber Security, Ministry of Security and Justice (The Netherlands). TAYLOR ROBERTS, Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford. BENOIT GODART, Head of Ec3 Outreach, Europol. Preside/ Chair: GIANLUCA D´ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), FCC Group; Security Member (PSG), European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). |
Ponencia/ Keynote (Spanish)![]() |
Identifying and managing cyber security talent.
MIGUEL REGO, General Director, INCIBE. |
11.00hs |
Coffee-break |
Mesa redonda/ Round table![]() |
Strategies for an effective defence against APTs.
DARREN THOMSON, Chief Information Security Officer for the EMEA, Symantec. LOIC GUEZO, Information Security Evangelist - Director, Southern Europe, Trend Micro. VICENTE DÍAZ, Security Malware Analyst, Kaspersky Lab. Preside/ Chair: FERNANDO PICATOSTE, Partner, Deloitte. |
Mesa redonda/ Round table![]() |
Managing information security breaches.
DAVID GROUT, Director, Presales SEUR, Intel Security. MICHAEL HARTMANN, VP EMEA, Advanced Security Solutions, Blue Coat. EMMANUEL ROESELER, Security Systems Manager, IBM. Preside/ Chair: ÁLVARO TORRES, Research & Consulting & IMP Director, IDC Research Spain.
Mesa redonda/ Round table![]() |
Securing Next Generation Cloud.
FÉLIX MARTÍN, EMEA ITI & Cloud Assurance and Security Pursuit Lead, HP. MARK ARMITAGE, Director, Cloud Security Products, Akamai. JOSEP BARDALLO, Cloud & Security Business Manager, SVT Cloud. EUTIMIO FERNÁNDEZ, Security Account Manager, Cisco. Preside/ Chair: MARIANO J. BENITO, WG Coordinator, Cloud Security Alliance Spain; Chief Information Security Officer, GMV. |
14.10hs |
Cocktail-Almuerzo |
Presentación |
Incentivando la adopción de la ciberseguridad. GIANLUCA D´ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), FCC Group; Security Member (PSG), European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). MANEL MEDINA, Catedrático, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya; Presidente Comité Científico, APWG.EU; Fundador y Director, esCERT-UPC; Miembro del Consejo Asesor, ISMS Forum.
La Responsabilidad Legal de las Empresas ante un Ciberataque. CARLOS A. SAIZ, Vice President, ISMS Forum Spain; Director, Data Privacy Institute; Attorney, Partner and Head of Governance, Risk & Compliance practice, Ecix Group. FRANCISCO PÉREZ BES, Secretario General, INCIBE. |
Mesa redonda |
Next big -Data- challenge to our privacy.
EMILIO ACED, Jefe de Área, AEPD. ASIER CRESPO, Director legal para España y Portugal, Microsoft. MARCO BRESSAN, Chairman & CEO, BBVA Data & Analytcs. Preside/ Chair: CARLOS A. SAIZ, Vice President, ISMS Forum Spain; Director, Data Privacy Institute; Attorney, Partner and Head of Governance, Risk & Compliance practice, Ecix Group. |
Mesa redonda |
La primera línea en las Infraestructuras Críticas.
FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ, Director, CNPIC. JOAQUÍN REYES, Chief Information Officer, Cepsa. EDUARDO DI MONTE, Director de Coordinación y Continuidad de Negocio - Seguridad Corporativa, AGBAR. Preside/ Chair: CARLES SOLÉ, Director, Spanish Cyber Security Institute, ISMS Forum Spain. |
Ponencia de cierre |
Érase una vez... una historia de hackers.
MERCÈ MOLIST, Periodista, Fundadora de Hackstory.net. |
Clausura/ Presentación de resultados/ Sorteo |
Principales resultados del Cyber Security Survey y sorteo.
GIANLUCA D´ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), FCC Group; Security Member (PSG), European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). |
19.00hs |
Clausura |