XXI International Information Security Conference

Publicado el 04-04-2019      Notícia sobre: ISMS Forum Spain


XXI International Information Security Conference

ISMS Forum will hold its twenty-first edition of the International Information Security Conference on May 30 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid (C / Alcalá 42, Acceso by C / Marqués de Casa Riera, 2).

The International Information Security Conference is consolidated as the national private congress of reference for the cybersecurity and data protection sectors.

More than 600 professionals from information security and data protection will meet to discuss thenew scenario of cyberthreats, the cybersecurity and personal data protection policies impact in their interaction with the Digital Revolution process in which the business sector is involved, and the assumable risk in an unavoidable commitment to innovation and automation processes in search of the Fast, Cheap & Easy concepts.

Under the title "Cyber ​​Risk Appetite in the new Digital Revolution", during the whole day there will be keynotes and debates by recognized experts and authorities, national and international, that will help us to better understand the keys to face the new context. One of the special guests this year is Troels Oerting, Head of the Center for Cybersecurity of the World Economic Forum, who will provide us with his vision about the challenges of Digital Security in a changing socio-economic context.


The World Economic Forum in its Global Risk Report of 2019 identifies among the most worrisome risks on a global scale, due to its probability of occurrence and impact, the vulnerability of personal data, cyberattacks aimed at critical infrastructures, false news and the Identity Theft. For its part, the Annual National Security Report concerns about cyber-espionage and other actions attributed to hacktivism such as the DNS attack, the exfiltration and publication of data, as well as the legal, financial and regulatory implications that these suppose for the business sector.

Therefore, we are facing one of the great concerns in both the public and private environment: the dependence on networks and information systems for the welfare, stability and growth of nations.

All actors are preparing for this new scenario. The Administration is focusing its efforts on the definition of different regulatory frameworks: The Cybersecurity Strategy, the General Data Protection Regulation, the Royal Decree-Law on Security of Networks and Information Systems, the National Security Scheme, protection of critical infrastructures and private security regulations. All of them with a common factor: establish security measures to apply.

For companies, new paradigms such as Digital Transformation, the use of Cloud-based or Cloud Computing solutions, the incorporation of IoT devices, Big Data, represent a change in the way of understanding how technology facilitates business.

This is why the public-private commitment to Information Security and the role of those responsible (CISO and DPO) have a transcendental role in the world to come. The management of security risks is constituted as key elements to ensure the survival and organizations development of the future already present.




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